Saturday, June 8, 2013

Greenlee Communications: 500XP Pair Tracing Probe Instruction Video

Greenlee Communications is proud to introduce the world's most advanced pair tracing probe: the 500XP.

Designed to help technicians install, service, and maintain voice, data, and video (VDV) services with ease, the Greenlee Communications 500XP Pair Tracing Probe gets the job done faster, safer, and easier.

Building on the success of the 200XP and 200FP, the Greenlee Communications 500XP adds new features such as real-time, proportional signal processing and acAlert™ hazardous AC voltage warning. Other features include a headset connection with improved signal fidelity, and advanced Nautilus® ergonomics and environmental protection, helping you get the job done in even the most demanding conditions.

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